The Boys

The Boys
My crew in Ireland

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A word about Frogs

Frogs are such a wonderful and important part of our eco-system that when researchers need to check the quality of life in a certain area, the first thing they will check is the frog population.  The unique thing about frogs is that they live both on land and in the water, therefore, a healthy frog population will indicate a healthy eco-system. Mutant frogs and a weak population will indicate toxins and other problems that will eventually affect all of us.


  1. I love this ...I tell my children about frogs and dragonflies and our environment. I think incorporating frogs into your logo is a unique idea. I find it difficult to find a photographer with the same care and quality you have for your "environment"! Thank you for the quality and unique"ness" of your photography. Your pictures are art~

  2. Thank-you for your wonderful comments. Life is good when we can work in harmony with the beauty around us, both the people and the earth. Natural light can create some of the most dramatic effects in photography and do it without a lightbulb. Harnessing that is even better than using compact fluoresent.
